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Neograft Hair Transplant

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Neograft Hair Transplant in Miami


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Automated FUE Hair Transplant: Neograft


Do you have a receding hairline, significant hair loss, thinning or balding? If so, neograft hair transplantation is a safe and effective, minimally invasive procedure that can restore natural-looking hair for both men and women.

hair loss evaluation before hair transplant

What is Neograft hair transplant?


An innovative technology known as the Neograft automated follicular unit extraction (FUE) system provides a unique and effective way to restore balding or thinning hair. It differs from other methods because this system automates the transplantation process with contactless pneumatic controls that carefully extract follicular units from a donor area where the hair is fullest, usually on the back of the head.

The technology helps to ensure that every graft is of a similar length and diameter to maximize the chances that hair will successfully grow in the affected area. Once the process of extraction has been completed, the grafts are transplanted into the areas on the scalp where hair loss has occurred. The process of inserting the grafts involves no incisions or staples, and the hair transplant surgeon carefully implants each graft separately to ensure a natural appearance. Downtime and discomfort are minimal, with results emerging slowly over the next few months.

Best Candidates for Neograft Hair Restoration


The following men and women are considered the best candidates for Neograft hair restoration:

  • Have areas of balding or thinning on the scalp and would like to restore their former natural fullness.
  • Want to be able to style their hair in various ways without seeing areas of bare scalp.
  • Have sufficient donor hair at the back of their head to be used for transplantation.
  • Understand the transplantation procedure and what can be realistically expected after it is completed.

Consulting with a board-certified hair transplant surgeon from Care4Hair in Miami is one of the best ways to determine if Neograft hair restoration is right for you.

NeoGraft Hair Transplant in Miami
Before And After

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Dr Golio


Are you considering a hair transplant but still hesitating to take the next step? Dr. Golio will answer the most common questions about the typical hair transplant procedure in these videos.

FAQs with Dr Golio

Advantages of Neograft Hair Transplant


There are several benefits that patients find with this game-changing procedure:

  • Minimal scarring: Other types of hair transplantation procedures require the harvesting of a strip of scalp tissue that is removed from the donor area. This results in a long incision, staples and eventual scarring. Neograft hair transplant, on the other hand, leaves no linear scars because each follicle is gently harvested individually.
  • Natural-looking results: Your board-certified neograft hair transplant surgeon is adept at the placement of each of the grafts that are transplanted from the donor site. Over the next few months, you will see that the hair that gradually grows into the affected area will look full and natural, with no artificial fillers or extensions.
  • Reduced downtime: Because there are no staples or incisions, discomfort is minimal after your Neograft hair transplant procedure. Most patients return to work within one to two weeks.
  • Less invasive procedure: The gentle removal of each follicular unit from the donor site means that you will experience little to no pain following the procedure. Additionally, the automated neograft system gently and effectively removes and transplants each graft with very little damage to the follicle, resulting in a higher likelihood of successful and full hair growth throughout the affected area.

Preparing for Neograft Hair Transplant


There are several steps involved in getting ready for this procedure:

  • Consultation with a Hair Transplant Specialist. This is the time when you will learn whether neograft hair transplantation is the best option for you. During this session, you will speak with a board-certified hair transplant surgeon, who will listen carefully to your concerns and hair loss-related goals. The doctor will examine your head to evaluate your hair loss and discuss the various options that are available to treat the problem. Although these will probably include neograft transplantation, you will also learn about other non-invasive treatments that can help you keep the hair you have now and may even assist in growing back hair you have lost. The doctor will also explain how these treatments can augment the results of neografting by stabilizing the newly transplanted follicles and reducing shedding. If you and the doctor agree that you want to move forward with neograft hair restoration, you will have the opportunity to discuss neograft hair transplantation cost and potential financing.
  • Medical Evaluation and Assessment. Before undergoing any type of transplantation procedure, it is important to learn the cause and type of hair loss you are experiencing. During your evaluation, a dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon will take down your medical history and will visually assess the pattern of hair loss and may confirm their diagnosis through the use of a computerized measurement tool. In some cases, a blood test, scalp biopsy or fungal culture may be recommended.
  • Instructions for Pre-Surgery Preparations. There are several things you should do before your Neograft hair transplant procedure. You may be told to grow your hair to a certain length at the donor site so that the removal of some hair follicles from that area will not be noticeable. Your doctor will provide you with a complete list of any medications or supplements you should discontinue before the transplant. Additionally, get ready for your procedure by planning ahead. You may be on pain medications after neograft and will need a friend or family member to take you home. Since you will be in some discomfort initially, you may want to ask someone to stay with you overnight. Finally, don’t hesitate to call your hair transplant specialist with any questions or concerns you have as you get ready for your neograft operation.

Neograft Hair Transplantation Procedure Steps


The procedure includes the following steps:

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Donor Area Preparation

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Harvesting Hair Follicles with Neograft

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Recipient Site Creation

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Implantation of Hair Follicles

The section of your posterior scalp from which the hair will be taken will be numbed and cleaned for sanitary purposes.
Think of the Neograft automated technology as an extension of the surgeon’s hand. It is used to gently remove each follicle from the donor area to maintain the integrity of the hair.
During your consultation and before the actual neografting procedure, your surgeon will map out the recipient site, paying careful attention to direction and angle of the follicles in order to create a natural final appearance. The area will be cleaned and numbed to ensure your comfort. Although most patients do not require additional sedation beyond topical numbing, it is available.
Once sufficient follicles have been meticulously removed from the back of your scalp, the surgeon will create tiny holes or slits throughout the area where balding or thinning has occurred. Each of the grafts is then placed in the prepared areas.
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NeoGraft Process: 1-Evaluation 2-Design 3-Extraction 4-Courtesy Lunch 5-Implantation

Expected Neograft Results and Long-Term Outcomes


Hair Growth Timeline

Four to five days post-op, the hair in the recipient area will begin to shed. Don’t panic; this is just the normal dormant cycle your follicles naturally experience. After shedding, the follicles enter into a two- to three-month resting phase. During this time, your scalp might show a patchy appearance. Meanwhile, the hair in the donor area will start to grow immediately, and you should begin to see it in a week. Four months after your procedure, new hair will begin to grow in the recipient area. Although it may be curly or thin in the beginning, it will thicken and straighten over time. By the sixth month, your transplanted hair will begin to grow at the same rate as your other hair. From nine to 12 months post-op, your hair will keep growing and thickening. After this point, your Neograft hair transplant will be considered complete.

Maintaining and Styling Transplanted Hair

The donor area can be styled or buzzed as early as seven to 10 days after your procedure. However, it is recommended that you wait at least one month for a scissored haircut and that you hold off on buzzing the recipient area for the first year. You can shower and shampoo your hair the day after Neograft, but do not brush or comb your hair for the first seven days. Once scalp tenderness and inflammation subside, you will be able to comb, brush and otherwise style your new hair without worry that doing so will cause it to fall out or be damaged.

Patient Satisfaction and Success Rates

In the best cases, up to 80 percent of hair grafts grow back in the transplant site within six months. Some patients with less dramatic results may need additional treatments. RealSelf, an independent consumer website, shows a 94 percent customer satisfaction rate with Neograft.

Post Hair Transplant Care and Recovery

  • Bandaging and Aftercare Instructions. When your Neograft hair transplant is completed, your care team will place bandages on the transplant site. You will need to wear these according to your doctor’s recommendations for the next few days. Additionally, you should sleep in a semi-sitting position and avoid any activities that might dislodge the newly transplanted hair.
  • Managing Discomfort and Swelling. After your operation, you can expect your scalp to be tender and inflamed. However, discomfort can be managed with the pain medications your doctor prescribes.
  • Follow-up Visits and Monitoring Progress. Each practice differs when it comes to their follow-up schedule. However, you can expect to go back to your surgeon’s office 10 to 14 days post-op so that they can monitor your healing and rid your scalp of itchy scabs. From that point on, you can make appointments periodically to evaluate how hair growth is proceeding and to troubleshoot any issues you may be having.

Potential Risks and Possible Complications

Because neograft is minimally invasive and involves no incisions, the likelihood of major risks or side effects is very low. That being said, you can expect mild swelling and discomfort in the scalp that can be relieved with medications. Shedding in the recipient area is also normal. Initial scabbing will heal and fall off over the first few days post-op

Comparing Neograft with Other Hair Transplant Techniques


Neograft vs FUE

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) involves extracting follicles from the donor section of the scalp and transplanting them to the treatment area. Traditional FUE is done manually by a surgeon, takes a lot of time and results in damage to a high percentage of the grafts. Neograft is a modernized FUE procedure that utilizes a specialized automated hair transplant device operated by the surgeon. The result is an operation that is safer, faster and more effective.

Neograft vs Artas

Both Neograft and Artas use automated devices to streamline and increase the effectiveness of the FUE hair restoration process. Artas uses an independent robotic system to conduct the hair transplant process. By contrast, the hand-held Neograft device combines the speed and efficacy of automation with the expertise and artistry of a surgeon. Only a knowledgeable human being can take the unpredictable growth pattern of follicles into account and address it during the transplant process.

Neograft hair transplant cost

Because hair transplantation is considered to be a cosmetic procedure in most cases, insurance will not cover it and you can expect to pay out of pocket. Factors affecting what you will be charged include the extent of hair loss, the geographic location and the particular clinic conducting the procedure. In general, costs range between $2,000 to $15,000 in the U.S. You may also pay per graft, which range3s from $2 to $10 each, with most people needing between 1,000 and 3,000 grafts during their first treatment.

Do Care4Hair offer financing options?

Care4Hair, a premier hair restoration practice in Miami, is committed to helping you to achieve the full and natural-looking hair you want. To that end, we will work with you to fit your Neograft hair transplant into your budget. We enhance the top-tier care performed by our board-certified surgeon with some of the lowest per-graft costs in the industry, ranging from $1.60 to $3.00.

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Patients with hair loss caused by stress, trauma, and genetic history are typically fine candidates for a Neograft hair transplant. To undergo this procedure, a patient must also have sufficient donor follicles. Therefore, patients with Diffuse Unpatterned Alopecia are not great candidates for a NeoGraft FUE since they usually do not have enough donor follicles to harvest.

While a NeoGraft FUE can theoretically be performed on patients of any age, we ask that patients be over 30 before considering this procedure. The clinical onset of baldness in both men and women is generally around 30 to 40 years of age. Around this age is when hair loss also begins to stabilize. Since hair loss in patients under 30 fluctuates, it may be difficult to determine how it will stabilize. If a patient undergoes a NeoGraft FUE at an early age, they may need to undergo additional sessions in the future depending on how the hair loss progresses.

You can shower and wash your hair the net day after your procedure.

As many as 80 percent of the transplanted hairs will flourish in the recipient site although results vary according to the individual.

The NeoGraft procedure is low risk but since it is a surgery, there is always the possibility of complications. Patients run the risk of bleeding, numbness, discomfort, infection, or allergic reactions to the anesthesia. The Care4Hair clinic will always encourage patients to fully disclose medical histories, current medications, and known allergies to minimize risk. Designated hair specialists will also provide full aftercare instructions to ensure a satisfactory outcome.

The results of the NeoGraft FUE hair transplant procedure are considered permanent. The healthy follicles will grow and yield long-lasting results as long as patients follow our doctor's post-procedure care instructions. Rest assured, the Care4Hair specialists will ensure you have all the necessary information before your surgery and departure. We strongly recommend careful adherence to these instructions for optimal results and overall satisfaction.

Yes. The NeoGraft hair restoration procedure is a suitable technique to treat hair loss in both men and women. In fact, women’s hair loss tends to be more diffuse in comparison to their male counterparts. Therefore, our doctor often recommends the NeoGraft FUE to his female clients, as it allows for a more targeted placement of follicles compared to more traditional methods.

While recovery from a NeoGraft FUE hair transplant is fast, every patient is different. Some patients resume their regular activities almost immediately, while others may take off anywhere from a few days to a week to recover from swelling or discomfort. Most patients only require medication 2-3 days after surgery. The overall healing process does not take longer than 7 days. The donor zone will appear fully healed in about 10 days as hair begins to grow again.

Following the shedding phase that takes place 1-5 weeks following the transplant procedure, healthy hairs will begin to form. Within 3-4 months, hair should begin to grow steadily and final results will appear 12-18 months post-procedure.

You will experience some scalp tenderness and inflammation during the first few days after your procedure. However, this is minimal since there are no staples or incisions.

Although you may notice pinpoint scars in the donor area where the follicles were removed, these can generally be covered up once your hair re-grows. You will not see any visible scars where your hair is implanted.

Contact a Neograft Specialist From Care4Hair Today


Baldness and hair loss affect millions of men and women, often damaging their self-esteem and confidence. If you want to restore your lost or thinning hair to its youthful fullness, don’t wait. Our Care4Hair hair transplant surgeon will take the time to determine whether this revolutionary, safe method is the right treatment for you. Our Miami-based staff will also work with you to ensure that you can afford your new look.