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Hairline Restoration in Miami


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Hairline Restoration With Care4Hair In Miami


Care4Hair specializes in restoring hairlines and reviving the confidence of patients in Miami and worldwide. Patients typically call our doctor when the frontal regions of their hairlines begin to recede. The frontal area also called the “forelock” or “central forelock,” is the frontal zone of the hair, including the hair around the temples. This area frames the face and receives the most attention, which is why hairline restoration is a popular procedure at Care4Hair in Miami.

hairline restoration

What Is A Receding Hairline?


If you are continually losing hair and your hairline is moving higher, it is receding. While a receding hairline does not indicate that you will go completely bald, it signals male or female-patterned baldness. The average scalp contains approximately 100,000 hairs. Shedding anywhere between 50 and 100 strands a day is entirely normal; losing more daily is considerable and may indicate an underlying issue. Many individuals fail to notice the thinning until they have lost 50% of their hair and call Care4Hair for a solution.

It is essential to remain vigilant of changes in the hairline and scalp to mitigate the issue as soon as possible. The longer it takes a patient to identify and mediate this damage, the more work will be required.

Telltale signs of a receding hairline include:

  • Hair thinning at the temples in an “M” shape- The hairline retreats in the temple area during the earliest stages of hair loss. Thinning in the temples causes the hairline to follow an “M” shape that later withdraws to the top or back of the head.
  • Uneven appearance: If the hairline begins to dwindle in an irregular pattern, it is a sign of a receding hairline; hairlines that are simply maturing recede more uniformly.
  • Hair is shedding more than usual- While hair loss often goes unnoticed until bald patches become more noticeable, individuals may notice more hair falling than usual.

Hairline Restoration in Miami
Before And After

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Dr Golio


Are you considering a hair transplant but still hesitating to take the next step? Dr. Golio will answer the most common questions about the typical hair transplant procedure in these videos.

FAQs with Dr Golio

How Does Care4Hair Design My New Hairline?


At Care4Hair, we understand that designing a new hairline requires surgical and artistic skills. Our doctor successfully delivers an appropriate and look natural for all of our patients by being mindful of:

Hairline icon

Hairline Positioning

Shape icon

The Shape Of The Hairline

 Hair Density icon

Hair Density

Hair Caliber icon

Hair Caliber/Texture

The central hairline is placed up to 3 inches or 4 fingers above the eyebrows and two fingers above the top wrinkle in the forehead. The receding hairline on the sides of the head should be leveled with the eye. It is vital to enlist a qualified surgeon like our doctor to place the hairline correctly since it is challenging to raise an imprecise hairline after a frontal hairline transplant.
The shape of the hairline should fit the patient’s facial skeletal anatomy for aesthetically pleasing results.
The desired hair density is based on the amount of donor hair available. Donor hair is mainly on the back and sides of the scalp. If you lack sufficient donor hair for your aesthetic goals, the right surgeon will work with you to design a realistic hairline according to the hair density you do have.
Hair caliber is the size of the hair follicle-- some are thin, others thick. Caliber plays a critical role when constructing a hairline plan. Another hair characteristic is hair texture. Whether you have curly, wavy, or straight hair these essential characteristics need to be considered when designing your hairline.
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How Many Hair Grafts Will I Need For My Hair Transplant Procedure?


Every patient has different hair restoration goals. Therefore, the number of grafts needed will vary. In general, however, it can range anywhere from 600 to 3,000 grafts. Male and female pattern baldness differs in that women’s hair sheds from all over their head, starting at their part line, and men’s hair loss follows a more predictable pattern beginning at the hairline and working its way back. Men can classify their hair loss stage using the Norwood-Hamilton scale, and women can use the Ludwig scale. The greater the hair loss, the more grafts are needed to restore density. Speaking directly to our surgeon or a Care4Hair specialist about your specific problem areas is the best way to determine how many grafts you need.

FUE Hair Transplant Methods For Hairline Restoration


If you have researched hair restoration options, you may be familiar with the two primary hair restoration techniques: Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). The primary difference between FUE and FUT is the way that hair follicles are extracted from the donor area.

During a FUT, the surgeon cuts a section of hair-bearing skin from the back of the head. Since this incision is several inches long, it must be closed with stitches or staples. The surgeon then dissects the skin into separate follicular units that are transplanted individually into the recipient area. During an FUE, the surgeon extracts individual hair follicles from the donor area rather than removing a section of skin. These follicles are then harvested into micro-incisions on the recipient areas of the scalp for permanent growth.

Due to its quicker recovery time and noninvasiveness, Care4Hair typically performs the FUE procedure on our patients. An FUE can be performed manually or using other methods, such as NeoGraft and ARTAS technologies. Your surgeon will remove hair follicles from a donor area and implant them into balding areas to eventually grow new hair.

Book a free consultation with our doctor and the Care4Hair specialists to decipher which hair transplantation method is suitable for you.

Causes Of A Receding Hairline


Receding hairlines are caused mainly by factors such as genetics, age, disease, and hormonal changes. Some of these may be temporary, but they may be irreversible without hair transplantation if present for an extended period.

Genetic factors: Male and female pattern baldness is called androgenic alopecia and has a common genetic cause. Unfortunately, hair loss caused by pattern baldness is hardly, if ever, reversible but can be remediated with a hair transplant.

Age: More than 50% of men over 50 have noticeable hair loss, while women risk losing their hair after menopause. However, female hair loss tends to be more diffuse in contrast to male hair loss that tends to start at the hairline.

Hormones: Women experience hair loss due to hormonal changes after childbirth or thyroid issues. Men can also experience changes in thyroid hormone levels, but more commonly, they suffer from a rise in their dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels that causes excessive hair loss from the scalp. DHT is a sex hormone that plays a role in developing male characteristics (e.g., penis, prostate gland) during fetal development. It conducts hair cycling and causes the growth phase in hair cycles to shorten over time. This leads to hair follicles becoming smaller and thinner with every stage of growth, resulting in thinning hair.

Lifestyle: Lifestyle factors such as smoking, poor diet, and stress can aggravate hair loss. Hair loss caused by these factors may be temporary but could require hair transplantation surgery if carried out for long periods.

Hairline Restoration Cost

The cost of a hair restoration procedure is calculated on a per-graft basis, with each graft consisting of 1, 2, 3, or 4 hair follicles. The average hairline transplant price is currently $6.00 to $12.00USD per graft. We only charge our patients an average of $2.00 to $3.50USD per graft, depending on the method and technology utilized.

Schedule a consultation with our doctor to determine how many follicles you need to achieve your desired goals. Recover your hairline and confidence in one day!

(305) 262-6070



FUE is more advantageous than FUT since it involves no downtime, stitches, scars or large incisions. Patients recover faster and do not experience restriction of movement during recovery. They can also wear short hairstyles since FUE leaves no visible scarring. The FUE method is performed using various technologies.

Hairline transplant surgery is the only permanent solution for nearly all patients. Typically, our patients exhaust other treatment options before coming to Care4Hair.

Yes! A lower, natural-looking hairline can be transplanted to create a smaller forehead as long as there is adequate donor hair. Hair is harvested from the back of your head and placed in individual units along the hairline to frame the face as desired.

Patients undergoing FUE frontal hairline restoration should expect a full recovery within a week. However, FUT hair transplant surgery usually involves an average of three weeks to recover.

Yes, both the FUE hair transplant method cover scars from previous transplants. FUT transplants were performed more commonly in the past before the rise of newer technologies. Since the FUT method requires removing a strip of skin from the back of the head, it leaves a scar behind. FUT is not used as often anymore (except for on select patients), yet, countless individuals contact our hair specialists seeking to hide these residual scars.

You should expect "shock loss" following your hair transplant. Shock loss is a shedding of the hair that occurs 2-3 weeks after the procedure as your body's innate response to the surgery. The grafts will grow again; by the 6th month, you will see 50-60% of the final growth. Full results should be visible approximately 12-18 months following the operation.

Most clinics, including Care4Hair, recommend the FUE technique since it is the most advanced hairline restoration techniques. It involves removing individual hair follicles from the scalp and are far less invasive than the FUT method. However, select patients are better suited for a FUT frontal hairline transplant.

Candidates should be over the age of 25, preferably within the 30-50 year range to undergo hair transplantation. Hair loss in patients under 30 oscillates, making it difficult to determine how this type of hair loss will develop with age. Yet, hair transplantation can be performed on younger patients depending on their hair loss type. We recommend scheduling a free consultation with the specialists at Care4Hair to evaluate your unique circumstance.

The ideal candidates for a hair transplant are:

  • Patients experiencing hair loss caused by male or female pattern baldness
  • Patients whose hair loss is worsening in spite of prescription drugs
  • Patients experiencing a more stable loss pattern after years of balding
  • Patients whose hair loss is caused by trauma, burn injuries, or surgery

However, other types of individuals can be suitable candidates. Please call our Care4Hair office in Miami to learn more.

Yes, our goal at Care4Hair is for all patients to achieve permanent, natural-looking results. Check our before and after gallery

Care4Hair’s hair transplant procedures yield a high success rate, so complications are uncommon. The surgeon will discuss any potential concerns with you during the initial consultation.

No. We administer a local anesthetic prior to the commencement of any surgery so patients will not feel pain during the procedure.