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Hair Loss Treatment Options

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Hair Loss Treatment Options

While hair loss is genetic for most people, there are also other factors such as age, stress and several medical conditions that should be considered. If you are not sure what’s causing your hair loss, you should talk to our hair loss experts and explore a few hair loss treatment options available for your specific situation.

Hair loss will affect both men and women at any age. Based on the assessment performed during your initial consultation, we will identify a solution among several hair loss treatment options so that you can experience your hair and life to the fullest.

Effective Hair Loss Treatments


Whether you are looking for a surgical or non-surgical hair loss treatment option, it’s essential you choose the right specialist to evaluate your condition. Non-surgical hair growth treatment includes hair loss treatment options such as Propecia, Lasercomb, FUT and FUE hair growth treatment. Hair transplantation is so far the only permanent solution to genetic hair loss.

Hair Restoration Procedures


Although hair transplantation is the only approach with lasting results, there are other hair loss treatment options available to help you fight hairlessness:

  • Hair Transplantation (FUT) – This outpatient procedure will replace and restore your lost hair and hairline. Hair surgery yields permanent results you can enjoy a lifetime. FUT will remove all grafts in groups from the donor site. Then, the follicles are separately transplanted to the targeted areas. Depending on how many hair follicles are needed to create a full head of hair in the designated area, the extraction process may leave a thin linear scar, which can be concealed with a close-cropped haircut or scalp micropigmentation procedure.
  • Follicular unit extraction (FUE) – During this proven minimally invasive procedure, follicular unit grafts are removed in small amounts from areas of the scalp that are genetically stronger into the recipient areas. Our hair transplant surgeons can create a hairline, and growth pattern that is permanent and natural-looking. No stitches are required and there is no linear scar left after surgery has been performed.

Some Non Surgical Hair Loss Treatments

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Scalp Micropigmentation

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Capillus Laser Caps

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Prescription Propecia

Also known as tricopigmentation, this advanced non-surgical procedure uses the latest technology to create the appearance of a thick full head of hair. Those looking for the perfect shaven look can benefit from this procedure. It offers fast results, and it can also be used to enhance current hair restoration.
This is an FDA-cleared, wearable, and battery-operated device recommended by hair transplant surgeons to treat hair loss, to strengthen existing hair, and to promote healing after hair transplant surgery. Whether your hair loss was caused by genetics, androgenetic alopecia, nutrition deficiency, or any other cause, the consistent use of Capillus laser therapy can restore thinning hair.
This is a drug that decreases the formation of a hormone known as DHT responsible for hair fallout. While this medication can’t cure balding and it has not been approved for women to use, it can help men to prevent male pattern baldness. You should take a full hair evaluation by one of our hair loss doctors to determine whether this is the right non-surgical hair loss treatment for you.
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Take Advantage Of Our Free Initial Consultation


We always strive to deliver the latest hair restoration solutions to our patients. All our hair restoration products and hair restoration procedures are safe and effective. We can help you restore your hair loss and create a healthy-looking hairline that’s yours to enjoy! We understand that restoring your hair is essential to you. That’s why our medical team works hard to improve the aesthetics goals of hundreds of patients in South Florida and from out of town. Great things can happen to you when you call us and schedule a complementary, confidential consultation to determine what’s causing your hair to fall out or to thin and choose the best cure.