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SMS Mobile Messaging Terms and Conditions

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Welcome to Care4Hair mobile messaging program (the " Program"), which is operated under these Mobile Messaging Terms and Conditions (the "Terms" ). The Program, along with how we handle your personal information, is also governed by our Privacy Policy. By enrolling in the Program, you agree to these Terms and our Privacy Policy.

1. Program Overview: Through the Program, we send both promotional and transactional messages. Promotional messages may include offers and deals on our services, while transactional messages could be appointment reminders or updates about your services with us. These messages could be sent using various technologies. Although we don't charge for these messages, standard rates from your mobile carrier may apply.

2. Opting In: By giving us your mobile number, you're choosing to join the Program and receive messages from us, even if your number is on any "Do Not Call" lists. You're promising that you own or can use the number you've given us. If your number changes or you're no longer in charge of it, please tell us quickly at info@care4hairmiami.com. Remember, buying something from us is not required to join the Program.

3. How to Opt-Out or Get Help: You can leave the Program anytime by sending us a Cancel message. After you ask to leave, you might get a few more messages as we process your request.

4. No Warranties: We can't promise that the Program will be perfect—it may not work everywhere or all the time. We're not responsible for messages that don't get to you on time or at all.

5. Changes to the Terms: We can change these Terms or end the Program when we want to. We'll let you know about changes by posting them online. Keep an eye on the Terms, and if you stay in the Program, you accept the changes.

6. Ending Messages: We might stop sending you messages if we think you're not following these Terms. If you lose your mobile service, our messages will stop, too. We can also change how the messages work, and we don't have to tell you in advance.

7. Communicating with Us: You can contact us through mail, phone, or our website. We might send you emails, too, which will be as good as if we sent you a paper notice. By joining the Program, you're okay with getting electronic messages from us. You can always ask for a paper version (at no cost) if you need it.

Need to Talk?: Any questions about these Terms? Contact us at: info@care4hairmiami.com or call (305) 262-6070

Remember, by signing up for our Program, you confirm that you understand and agree to these Terms.